This disclaimer stipulates the vision of ADS Insight on the information provided on this website and our liability on this matter.
Version: 2023-03-06
The use of this website (the “Website”) is subject to the following conditions of usage. Utilising the website constitutes acceptance of these conditions. The latter are subject to change: valid conditions are those applicable at the time of each connection. The Website is property of ADS Insight with registered office at 1040 Brussels, Rue de la Loi 155, BTE 97 and registered with the Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen (Register of Legal Entities) with enterprise number 0859.848.976 (hereinafter: “We” or the “Company”).
Usage of the Website does not grant the user any intellectual property rights. The Website content and the information provided exclusively belong to the Company’s intellectual property. The information that can be consulted on the Website, the layout and design, the texts, illustrations, images, data, logos, brands and any other elements displayed, are protected by trademark law and/or copyright and/or further applicable regulations, and are not to be reproduced in any form or by any means. Any infringement will lead to legal proceedings.
Our Company takes its obligations with regards to privacy and data protection seriously. For more information please consult our Data Protection Notice on the Website.
The Website may utilise cookies, which make it possible to store information with the aim of simplifying Website navigation. You can manage and/or disable the use of cookies in your browser. In the latter case, however, your visit may not go as smoothly as intended. Moreover, it may be necessary to accept cookies via your browser to be able to access areas of the Website that require user identification. For more information please consult our Cookie Policy on the Website.
Your access to, visit or use of the Website and these terms of use are governed by Belgian law. In the event of a dispute, only the courts of the registered office of the Company have jurisdiction.